FSW (Fermented Sea Water): Key to Vibrant Crops

Written by Brandon Webb

Published: March 7, 2024

Gardening and farming enthusiasts often run in to the challenge of keeping their soil rich and their plants healthy.

The problem gets worse with the search for sustainable methods that work with nature rather than working against it.

Enter FSW (Fermented Sea Water), a sign of hope in the natural farming world, promising to revitalize our gardens using the ocean’s greatest resource.


We aim to:

  • Explore the use of FSW (Fermented Sea Water) in sustainable gardening, leveraging the ocean’s nutrients.
  • Detail the simple process of making FSW by combining seawater, rice wash, and fermented plant juice.
  • Highlight the importance of dilution to ensure the mixture is beneficial, not harmful, to plants.
  • Share personal observations of improved plant vigor and reduced diseases with FSW application.
  • Emphasize FSW’s role in creating a thriving garden ecosystem, inspired by the natural blending of river and sea waters.

What Is FSW (Fermented Sea Water)?

FSW stands for Fermented Sea Water, a crafty mix rooted in Korean Natural Farming.

This liquid fertilizer is not just water from the ocean; it’s a carefully prepared solution that captures the essence of the sea’s nutrients. The preparation involves diluting seawater with freshwater and fermenting it with rice wash and fermented plant juice, creating a nutrient-rich brew that plants love.

This process aims to replicate the helpful microbial activity found in brackish waters, where sea meets river, supporting an environment ripe for plant growth.

FSW Fermented Sea Water Fig 1
A greenhouse full of healthy tomatoes, showcasing the positive effects of using FSW to bolster plant health and resilience.
Fermented Sea Water FSW page001
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Benefits of FSW (Fermented Sea Water):

  • Seawater contains a wide range of minerals, with magnesium being a prominent one, beneficial for plant growth.
  • Fermented seawater can serve as an excellent source of nutrients, particularly for magnesium and calcium, which are essential for healthy plant development.

The Science Behind FSW’s Magic

Diving into the world of FSW (Fermented Sea Water) was driven by my curiosity and dedication to eco-friendly gardening practices.

The idea was straightforward: the natural blending of river and sea waters fosters rich, vibrant ecosystems, so why not replicate this beneficial environment in my own garden?

Within just a few weeks, the positive changes were unmistakable. My plants seemed more robust, and diseases that once plagued them were now rare occurrences.

The impact of FSW went beyond merely supplying nutrients; it was about creating a flourishing ecosystem in the soil itself, transforming my garden into a more vibrant and resilient space.

FSW Fermented Sea Water Fig 2
Tranquil sea water that could be transformed into FSW, harnessing the ocean’s nutrients to support sustainable gardening practices.

Crafting Your Own FSW: A Step-by-Step Guide

Materials Needed:

  • Ocean water
  • Fish Amino Acids (FAA)
  • Molasses
  • Herbs (optional)
  • Container for fermentation

Steps to Create FSW (Fermented Sea Water):

  1. Collect Ocean Water: Start by gathering seawater. This will be the base of your fermented seawater solution, providing a wide range of minerals and ocean microbes.
  2. Add Fish Amino Acids: Incorporate fish amino acids into the seawater. FAA is rich in nitrogen and helps to introduce beneficial proteins and DNA into the mix. 1:1000 (FAA to seawater)
  3. Incorporate Molasses: Add molasses to the solution. Molasses serves as a food source for the microbes, encouraging fermentation and microbial growth.
  4. Include Herbs (Optional): For additional nutrients, you can add oriental herbal nutrient to the mixture. This step is optional but can enhance the solution’s benefits.
  5. Ferment the Solution: Transfer the mixture to a fermentation container. Allow it to ferment for a period, which can vary depending on environmental conditions. During fermentation, the solution will become bio-activated, with visible signs of microbial activity such as algal and fungal growth.
  6. Application: Once fermented, the solution is ready to be applied to your garden or fields. Dilute the fermented seawater appropriately to avoid excessive salinity in the soil. The recommended dilution rate is not specified in the summary provided, so it’s advisable to start with a high dilution rate (such as 1:1000) and adjust based on the response of your plants and soil.

Application Tips for Greener Gardens

Applying FSW (Fermented Sea Water) to the garden is an art in itself. The diluted solution should be sprayed or sprinkled over the soil and plants, paying close attention to not overdo it.

My experience showed that a light application every few weeks was sufficient to see a significant impact. It’s essential to observe your plants and adjust the frequency and concentration of FSW accordingly. The goal is to support, not overwhelm, your garden‘s ecosystem.

FSW Fermented Sea Water Fig 3
A row of vibrant green lettuce thriving in soil that benefited from the robust, mineral-rich addition of FSW.

Beyond FSW: A Holistic Approach to Gardening

Integrating FSW into my gardening routine was the first step towards embracing Korean Natural Farming fully.

Other practices, like using Indigenous Micro Organisms (IMO), Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ), and Jadam Organic Farming complemented the benefits of FSW, creating a holistic approach to garden care.

This synergy between different natural inputs has not only made my garden more resilient but has also deepened my connection with the natural world.

In Conclusion

The addition of FSW (Fermented Sea Water) in gardening practices represents a shift towards more sustainable and harmonious ways of growing food and flowers.

Its benefits go beyond nutrition, offering a way to reconnect with ancient wisdom and natural cycles. As more gardeners and farmers explore the wonders of FSW and Korean Natural Farming, we pave the way for a future where agriculture works in tandem with nature, not against it.

For those looking to embark on this natural gardening path, remember: patience and observation are your allies. Start small, experiment, and let the plants guide you towards the perfect balance.

The rewards, both for your garden and the planet, are immeasurable. Let’s embrace FSW and unlock the full potential of our gardens together.

About the Author

About the Author

Brandon Webb

Brandon is a dedicated citizen scientist with over a decade of hands-on gardening experience and the founder of the Soil Society.

He empowers individuals to lead sustainable, self-sufficient lifestyles by promoting soil health and regenerative gardening practices.

Combining scientific rigor with holistic methods, Brandon educates a diverse audience through workshops, educational resources, and community advocacy, aiming to combat climate change and enhance well-being through soil regeneration.

Brandon’s practical approach to gardening helps others achieve healthier plants and more productive gardens while fostering a deeper connection to the environment.